Announcing the startups for August demo Night
Jul 22, 2024
Register here -
Demo Night August is on the 14th and will be a remote edition. Come join the livestream and hear from:
- Niki and Slush'd Cornwall (UK)
- Iouri and Supo (UK)
- Vitor and Ask Cory (Portugal)
- Jinay, Astha and Youni (India)
- Julia and Wavesix (UK)
The beauty of the remote demo night is being able to bring Founders together that might not otherwise get the chance to be on the same stage. It also means the audience is from further afield too, and this helps to bring the diverse opinions and ideas together which help the Founders so much.
In keeping with our approach at the last demo night we will be using mentimeter to bring all the decks, voting and feedback together in one place. At the beginning of the live stream there will be a code for you to login with and then everyone can participate in real time.
August should be fun! We are already planning for September as well, which is taking place in London at the Social enterprise incubator Better Space, on Farringdon road. These demo nights take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and we never stop rolling.
If you are looking to bring your idea to a future edition then please register here and we will start the conversation to see when will be the best fit. Demo Night is an "open house" we bring together Founders from all walks of life to learn from each other and you don't have to be a member of one of our programs to take part. We believe there is strength in us supporting each other, and lessons to be learned from keeping our minds, and our community, open.