Community Portal

Demo Night is where it all comes together every month

The first Wednesday of each month

In person events in London and Lisbon along with remote editions bring our community together for demos - think show and tell - not decks.

The goal is to learn together and for the Founders who present they get to test their idea with critical friends and knowledgeable peers.

The power of the event is in the questions and the power of the questions comes from the diversity of the audience that convenes with passion and interest for building and builders.

Keep up to date with Demo Night

Never miss an opportunity to come together as a community.

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3 to 5 Demos

Each event has 3 to 5 demos from Founders, or reverse pitches from Investors.

Diversity is our strength

Good questions come from having a different perspective.  We want a diverse audience to bring diverse perspectives.

In person and Online

10 of 12 demo nights each year are in person, and two are remote.  All demos are live streamed.  Our engagement model means everyone who wants to ask questions has the opportunity and mechanism to do so.

Open to all

Canopy is an open platform.  By that we mean you don't have to be a member of Canopy or involved in one of our programs to be able to take the stage.  If you are an entrepreneur, innovator or investor and you want to get involved then reach out today.

All that you touch you change.  All that you change changes you. 

The currency of demo nights is questions.  Everyone who attends in person or online has the opportunity to put their questions into the mix.  Founders can receive any form of challenge, feedback or curious insight all of which help them to "think round corners".  

The amazing joy of the experience of course is that in asking questions the audience also start to challenge their own ideas and beliefs and through this we all gain.  We all grow.  We all get stronger.